Ladies, These 5 Spots You Didn’t Know Makes A Man H0rny

Hot spots or what biologists endogenous are those parts of the body that drives us crazy with desire when stimulated. Here are some spots you might not be touching to turn on your partner.
Hot spots or what biologists endogenous are those parts of the body that drives us crazy with desire when stimulated. Here are some spots you might not be touching to turn on your partner.
1. The ears
Ear play
Next time you are in bed, try licking your partner’s ears and while you’re at it, why don’t you tell him or her something dirty as well.
2. The lower back
Though this is for both men and women, it works more with women. Next time you are about to take her from behind, take some time out to rob your penis around her lower back just to pre-heat her oven. You will be surprised how wet it would be when you get inside.

3. The navel
Though this might seem awkward at first, the navel is actually a very sensitive area. You can stimulate this by licking something like ice cream off your partner’s body to make is less awkaward.
4. The feet
At 25% a feet fetish is actually the most reported fetish even if no one would admit to you over drinks that they have a thing for sucking toes or get turned on at the site of touch of feet. Our feet are also covered in nerve endings which is why foot massages feel so good. You will be surprised how aroused this would get your partners.
5. The male ni pple
Ladies, your man’s nipples are A LOT more sensitive than you can imagine, probably more sensitive than yours because he has no fatty breast tissue to block some nerve ending. Flick it, squeeze it, twist it, suck it, lick it….just show it some attention!
